Tytan Corvinus: She was never truly lost.
Tytan Corvinus: Always vigilant.
Tytan Corvinus: GoodBoy ?
Tytan Corvinus: Is that time of the year
Tytan Corvinus: Me Hungry
Tytan Corvinus: Once Upon a Time...
Tytan Corvinus: Once upon a Cyber
Tytan Corvinus: Like one of your French girls
Tytan Corvinus: Let it bloom
Tytan Corvinus: Tytan Addams
Tytan Corvinus: Yes, Mr. Tytan.
Tytan Corvinus: Charming Prince
Tytan Corvinus: Got spells?
Tytan Corvinus: The Nexan
Tytan Corvinus: Possessed
Tytan Corvinus: Bored in Hell
Tytan Corvinus: Happy Pride 2024
Tytan Corvinus: Hungry...
Tytan Corvinus: Damaged soul
Tytan Corvinus: Taking the "dog" out
Tytan Corvinus: I had a sandwich for dinner.
Tytan Corvinus: Obeying is easier.
Tytan Corvinus: What's on your mind?
Tytan Corvinus: Mer Boys
Tytan Corvinus: Prince's Delights
Tytan Corvinus: Good memories we keep.