ybrinner14: Machine gunner M.P. Kononov, 3rd Ukrainian Front, 8th Army, 82nd Division, 821st Regiment. 1943
ybrinner14: 4th Army. On a street in Vienna (a tractor pulls a trailer with Soviet soldiers sitting on it). 1945
ybrinner14: 1st Belorussian Front. Berlin. The command of the 3rd Shock Army against the background of the Reichstag
ybrinner14: 1st Belorussian Front. Soviet sappers on the streets of Berlin. Photo by Grebnev. 1945
ybrinner14: Воины 312 стрелковой дивизии - участники освобождения Смоленска с командиром дивизии полковником Моисеевским А.Г., 25.09.1943 г.
ybrinner14: Artillerymen of the 27th Army fire at the enemy on one of the streets of Vienna. 1945
ybrinner14: Northern Front. Naval infantry listens to the commander's instructions. Photo by E.A. Khaldei. 1942
ybrinner14: Pinsker P.N., Chief of Staff of the 41st Guards Mortar Regiment and Demin F.N. (on the right), 1942
ybrinner14: Kursk Bulge. A Soviet soldier against the background of KV-85 tanks. A large-caliber anti-aircraft machine gun DShK in the foreground. Photo by Ryumkin. 1943
ybrinner14: Lieutenant-General Shtevnev, commander of armored troops of the Stalingrad Front, and Major-General Kryuchonkin, commander of the 1st Guards Army. Stalingrad, October 1942. Photo by Ryumkin
ybrinner14: Yugoslav peasants welcome the first Soviet pilot to land on Yugoslav soil. Photo by Khaldey. 1944
ybrinner14: Lyudmila Pavlichenko and Vladimir Pchelintsev, snipers, Heroes of the Soviet Union. Unknown photographer. June 1942
ybrinner14: Column of (trophy) restored German tanks with Soviet troops on the armor. The head tank T-III E (1939), followed by three SAU "Artsturm" III-V model 1940. Photo by Grebnev. 1941.
ybrinner14: 1st Belorussian Front. Tank T-34-85 (side number 10) with troops on the armor. Photo by Grebnev. 1945
ybrinner14: Бойцы 279-й стрелковой дивизии. Радаев Юрий Витальевич - 1-й ряд, 3-й слева
ybrinner14: Бойцы 36-й разведроты 3-го Украинского фронта, 1945 г.
ybrinner14: Commander of the 62nd Army Lieutenant General V.I.Chuikov at his dugout. Stalingrad, January 15, 1943. Photo by Ryumkin
ybrinner14: 1-я армия, 34 корпус, 152 дивизия. Собачья упряжка санитарно-ездовой службы. Фото: Ландер О. 1943 г.
ybrinner14: Soviet and American troops meeting near Linz (Austria). In the center: junior lieutenant Lovchinov and senior lieutenant of the U.S. Army Jacques Haltgraves shake hands. Photo by Olga Lander. May 9, 1945
ybrinner14: 1st Belorussian Front. Berlin. The command of the 3rd Shock Army against the background of the Reichstag Colonnade. Photo by V.P. Grebnev. 1945 | 1-й Белорусский фронт. Берлин. Командование 3-й ударной армии на фоне колоннады Рейхстага.
ybrinner14: Natalya Fyodorovna Kravtsova née Meklin (Russian: Наталья Фёдоровна Меклин; 8 September 1922 – 5 June 2005)
ybrinner14: Лётчицы Александра Федоровна Акимова и Евдокия Андреевна Никулина, 1944-1945 гг.
ybrinner14: Эпизоды боевой службы моряков Северного флота
ybrinner14: Из жизни авиации КБФ. Разбор задания перед полетом (над картой капитан Редкин). 1940 г.
ybrinner14: The defense of Odessa 1941. Photo by Khalip
ybrinner14: 1st Belorussian Front. Female snipers (volunteers). In front is the sniper company commander, Guards Lieutenant Nina Lobkova. Photo by Vladimir Grebnev. 1945
ybrinner14: 1st Belorussian Front. Berlin. ISU-152 (Nr. 1153) with a troop on the armor passing the Brandenburg Gate. Photo by Vladimir Grebnev. 1945
ybrinner14: The 1st Belorussian Front. A group of Soviet soldiers on a street of a German city. Photo by Vladimir Grebnev. 1945
ybrinner14: Kalinin front. The wreckage of a downed Nazi airplane (the plane was shot down by anti-aircraft gunnery Sergeant Fitzner). Photo by Vladimir Grebnev. 1942
ybrinner14: 1st Belorussian Front. M4A2(76)W "Sherman" tank on a Berlin street. Photo by Vladimir Grebnev. 1945