jennyh97: White-headed Woodpecker foraging for ants in the ponderosa pine
jennyh97: Solitary Sandpiper preening
jennyh97: Red-breasted Sapsucker
jennyh97: Evening Grosbeak in the snowfall
jennyh97: Downy Woodpecker in Minnesota
jennyh97: Nap time for the Surfbirds
jennyh97: Clay-colored Sparrow in the fall colors
jennyh97: Lesser Goldfinch
jennyh97: Great Gray Owl in the remote woods of Idaho
jennyh97: Townsend’s Warbler in a ponderosa forest
jennyh97: Yellow-breasted Chat
jennyh97: Cedar Waxwing
jennyh97: Merlin at sundown
jennyh97: Female Lazuli Bunting
jennyh97: Female Sooty Grouse and golden bokeh
jennyh97: Blue Grosbeak
jennyh97: Black-headed Grosbeak at a burn site
jennyh97: Burrowing Owl with a bloody beak after a successful hunt
jennyh97: Lazuli Bunting
jennyh97: White-headed Woodpecker foraging for ants
jennyh97: Black-capped Chickadee
jennyh97: Long-eared Owl
jennyh97: Buffleheads and the mountains
jennyh97: Savannah Sparrow bellowing out a song in a field of flowers
jennyh97: Great Horned Owl fledgling in morning light
jennyh97: Wood duck amongst the lily pads