DanilT: Eurasian tree sparrow
DanilT: Eurasian jay
DanilT: Greenfinch
aycasan: spring is everywhere
aycasan: spring
Mobile Lynn: Willow Warbler 801_0244.jpg
Mobile Lynn: Firecrest - A first 801_0340.jpg
MarcoMCMLXVIII: Following the lightning
MarcoMCMLXVIII: A look at the landscape
Sonja Parfitt: EARTHDAY Lost Lagoon
Sonja Parfitt: Autumn in the West End
Les Photos de Gabriel: Busard des roseaux Circus aeruginosus - Western Marsh Harrier Milan royal Milvus milvus - Red Kite 7717_Nik_DxO
Les Photos de Gabriel: Buse variable Buteo buteo - Common Buzzard 9471_Nik_DxO-1
Les Photos de Gabriel: Buse variable Buteo buteo - Common Buzzard 9552_Nik_DxO
Les Photos de Gabriel: Rougegorge familier Erithacus rubecula - European Robin 9622_DxO
Les Photos de Gabriel: Petit-duc scops Otus scops - Eurasian Scops Owl 4040_Nik-2_DxO
Patrick Blondel: Aigrette garzette - Egretta garzetta - Little egret
Patrick Blondel: Etourneau-sansonnet - Sturnus vulgaris - European starling
Patrick Blondel: Goéland leucophée - Larus michahellis - Yellow-legged gull
Steve Frazier Photography: What The Future Portends
mur.fernando: abejaruco
mur.fernando: Abejarucos
mur.fernando: Correlimos
mur.fernando: Abejarucos. Puesta
mur.fernando: Abejarucos. El cortejo
sharon.verkuilen: Grevy's Zebras - Two heads better than one!! (in Explore 5/20/24)
sharon.verkuilen: Really Young Elephant Baby!
majka44: reflections
majka44: moon