Jörg Schulte: Winter in den Rieselfeldern Münster
Jörg Schulte: Goldregenpfeifer - Pluvialis apricaria
Jörg Schulte: Sturmmöwe - Larus canus
Jörg Schulte: Blässhuhn - Fulica atra
Paul Burnham: Reflective Black-headed gull
Sam Nimitz: Imprimerie Librairie L Loiez
Traveller_40: Line up of reed
Oliver Schoepgens: Sardines In Colour
Oliver Schoepgens: Steffl & Friends
Oliver Schoepgens: Show Me Vienna!
Oliver Schoepgens: Vienna Prater
Oliver Schoepgens: Nancy Cathedral
Sam Nimitz: Clipet Courcol
Andrzej Kocot: Selected radius
xfnhrdxf25: Evening mist over the lake
xfnhrdxf25: The Goldcrest's umbrella (Regulus regulus)
xfnhrdxf25: Cuckoo in the rain (Cuculus canorus)
Martin Bärtges: Enjoying the sunlight
Wolle vom Kamp: Metall-Upcycling-Art
Traveller_40: Morning Mist, alps are gone
Wendelin1957: ER_H1765_DXO4
Jürgen Thome: Zwei Gänse
cordjo: Day is going - night is coming
cordjo: Acrobat
Andrzej Kocot: Power of Light
Sam Nimitz: Le Calypso
mezy3: Bouvines ( Nord-France )
cordjo: Schwanzmeise
Helmut Reichelt: Kapelle auf der Mauer