chas frodsham..: Sweet song of the Wren..
chas frodsham..: Great catch...
chas frodsham..: KINGFISHER..
reipa59: Drehteil der Meiningenbrücke / Turned part of the Meiningen bridge
reipa59: Kranichschwarm im Abendrot / Flock of cranes in the sunset
reipa59: Hirschbrunft / Deer rut
reipa59: Frühmorgens / Early in the morning
chas frodsham..: DIPPER..
chas frodsham..: What no nuts.. Red squirrel
chas frodsham..: Red Squirrel..
reipa59: Kranichflug / Crane flight
reipa59: Sonnenuntergang am Bodden / Sunset on the lagoon
reipa59: Fotoausstellung / Photo exhibition
chas frodsham..: Grey Heron ..enjoying the sunny weather
chas frodsham..: Kingfisher..
chas frodsham..: CUCKOO..
chas frodsham..: Bearded tit ..
chas frodsham..: Male Hen Harrier...2
chas frodsham..: Windswept Kingy..
chas frodsham..: Bittern..
chas frodsham..: Sparrowhawk..2.
chas frodsham..: SPARROWHAWK..
chas frodsham..: Sawtooth Goosander female
chas frodsham..: Kingfisher..touchdown..
chas frodsham..: OSPREY...
chas frodsham..: Short eared owl..
chas frodsham..: Fish & Tern..