Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Beauty in nature - Explored 17 Jan 22 #97
-JRL- Photo's: Sweet Water
Kevin Povenz: Grand Canyon......Explore
s0340248: DSC30640 Weikersheim 2020
-JRL- Photo's: In the Shade
blum99: A Kingdom of Ice
OneLifeOnEarth: My image to the world
gubanov77: Frosty Morning on the River
Kevin Povenz: Battered.....
JEAN TOUSSAINT TOSI: JTTOSI VISONS 2022 "Love is all around us... In a perfect world."
alumadog: Penny
-JRL- Photo's: Black-crown Night Heron
Gangie (pronounced GangGe): Reach for the sky
marinela 2008: Fritillary Butterfly 2
blavandmaster: Peaceful Winter
Bervaz: Damrak (Explored)
yabberdab: The Calm Before the Storm
Kevin Povenz: Bored.....
s0340248: DSC30736 Weikersheim 2020
s0340248: DSC30735 Weikersheim 2020
Paul B0udreau: Snow Apples