L’Arsène: A fortified priory church
L’Arsène: A fortified priory church
L’Arsène: A fortified priory church
L’Arsène: Mediæval house in Noyers-sur-Serein
L’Arsène: A Carolingian chapel in the vineyards
L’Arsène: Yet another poor peasant in Burgundy
L’Arsène: The rock and the vineyard
L’Arsène: The abbey of Fontenay
L’Arsène: The abbey of Fontenay
L’Arsène: The abbey of Fontenay
L’Arsène: The Tournus abbey church in black–and–white
L’Arsène: The Tournus abbey church in black–and–white
L’Arsène: The Tournus abbey church in black–and–white
L’Arsène: The Tournus abbey church in black–and–white
L’Arsène: The Tournus abbey church in black–and–white
L’Arsène: A Puisaye landscape
L’Arsène: A remarkable church in Burgundy
L’Arsène: A remarkable church in Burgundy
L’Arsène: Château de Saint–Fargeau
L’Arsène: The way through the woods
L’Arsène: The Romanesque church of Brancion
L’Arsène: France romane: l’abbaye bénédictine de Souillac
L’Arsène: France romane: l’abbaye bénédictine de Souillac
L’Arsène: France romane: l’abbaye bénédictine de Souillac
L’Arsène: La Charité: the grandest Cluniac priory that ever was
L’Arsène: La Charité: the grandest Cluniac priory that ever was
L’Arsène: La Charité: the grandest Cluniac priory that ever was
L’Arsène: Bourbonnais roman: église Saint-Julien de Meillers
L’Arsène: Bourbonnais roman: église Saint-Julien de Meillers
L’Arsène: Bourbonnais roman: église Saint-Julien de Meillers