normanwest4tography: Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus
normanwest4tography: Small Copper - Lycaena phlaeas
normanwest4tography: Common Blue - Polyommatus icarus
normanwest4tography: Red Admiral - Vanessa atalanta
normanwest4tography: Kingfisher - Alcedo atthis
normanwest4tography: Stock dove - Columba oenas
normanwest4tography: Grey Heron - Ardea cinerea
normanwest4tography: Beautiful Demoiselle - Calopteryx virgo
normanwest4tography: Starling - Sturnus vulgaris
normanwest4tography: Waxwing - Bombycilla garrulus
normanwest4tography: Blackbird - Turdus merula
normanwest4tography: Red Kite - Milvus milvus
normanwest4tography: Red Kite - Milvus milvus
normanwest4tography: Marsh Fritillary - Euphydryas aurinia
normanwest4tography: Common Blue Damsel -Enallagma cyathigerum
normanwest4tography: Male Ruddy Darter -Sympetrum sanguineum
normanwest4tography: Blue-tailed Damselfly - Ischnura elgans
normanwest4tography: Large Skipper - Ochlodes sylvanus
normanwest4tography: Sandwich Tern -Thalasseus sandvicensis
normanwest4tography: Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary (boloria selene)
normanwest4tography: Sandwich Tern -Thalasseus sandvicensis
normanwest4tography: Sandwich Tern -Thalasseus sandvicensis
normanwest4tography: Gatekeeper - Pyronia tithonus
normanwest4tography: Grey Wagtail - Motacilla cinerea
normanwest4tography: Moorhen - Gallinula chloropus
normanwest4tography: Greylag Goose - Anser anser
normanwest4tography: Bewick's Swan - Cygnus columbianus
Francesco Dini: ✨ “Gazing up at the cupola of Sant’Agnese in Agone, where art truly reaches divine heights! ✨
Francesco Dini: ️ When in Rome, look up! 🇮🇹