RCTRUITT413: 01-04-25 Muscatine
RCTRUITT413: 01-04-25 Muscatine
Robby Gragg: Lumenera
Trainboy03: IAIS 701
CSabresXr1: KCS902, Shreveport, LA
Alex Dombeck: Allentown
Alex Dombeck: 6254 at Hwy F
Alex Dombeck: Partly Sunny
Alex Dombeck: escaped from the range
Alex Dombeck: Lean into it
Alex Dombeck: Clear shot south
Alex Dombeck: CREX 1318
Trainboy03: The West End
Alex Dombeck: Rolling into Fairlane
Alex Dombeck: T-Bird at Fairlane
Alex Dombeck: Loaded T-Bird at Fairlane
Alex Dombeck: Obligatory pacing
I C railway photo's: With Rochester Castle and Cathedral visible in the background, 69002 + 69001 busily go about their business working the 3W01 09.23 Tonbridge West Yard to Tonbridge West Yard RHTT circuit on 29-10-22. Copyright Ian Cuthbertson
Alex Dombeck: Open embankment
Alex Dombeck: Flowey
Alex Dombeck: Approaching storms
AdamElias14: RMR 8013 | Birken, BC
Alex Dombeck: starting off summer vacation
Alex Dombeck: 2816 at 99 curve
Alex Dombeck: under the Iowa Interstate
DON'T BE HATIN': CP 2816 - 40B - Middle Foster Bridge - Moravia IA
Alex Dombeck: IATR 50
Robby Gragg: Yard pullers
Brad Morocco: Iowa Interstate 716 at Oakmont, Pennsylvania
Trainboy03: Terminal Junction