taksingtsui: grat horned owl baby 大角猫头鹰宝宝太可爱了 ❣️
taksingtsui: 金眼鹛雀 Yellow-eyed Babbler
taksingtsui: 猴面猫
taksingtsui: 猴面猫头猫
taksingtsui: Take off (Leucistic Acorn Woodpecker 白化橡子啄木鸟)
taksingtsui: 賀歲片
taksingtsui: Bay-headed Tanager
taksingtsui: Hummingbird
taksingtsui: Speckled Nightingale-Thrush
taksingtsui: Masked Flowerpiercer & Sword-billed Hummingbird
taksingtsui: 白额蜂虎 White-fronted Bee-eater
taksingtsui: 白腹蓝彩鹀 Lazuli Bunting
taksingtsui: Golden Palm Weaver
taksingtsui: Northern Pygmy Owl
taksingtsui: 游隼 Peregrine Falcon
taksingtsui: Northern Pgymy Owl.
taksingtsui: Northern Pygmy Owl (m)
taksingtsui: 长耳鸮 Long-eared Owl
taksingtsui: 鸳鸯
taksingtsui: 鸳鸯
taksingtsui: 鸳鸯
taksingtsui: A rare Snowy Owl has emerged in Orange County. Traditionally they are found in the arctic tundra regions of North America and can survive cold temperatures of up to -68.8 degrees Fahrenheit (-56 degrees Celsius). This is the first Snowy Owl seen in So
taksingtsui: 鸳鸯
taksingtsui: Bobcat