solanolibrary: adult (18+) category
Annie K...: behind the bay tree...
LastBestPlace: Pale pink bill
jt893x: Blue Jay
Gordon Hunter: midnight bouquet
Bob R.L. Evans: A November afternoon
jt893x: Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Clare Pickett: Day 274 A leaf
Diane G. Zooms---Mostly Off: "This one is MINE!!"
Marji Beach: Samson
Annie K...: Is it spring?...
dragonflydreams88: the soul, light as a feather, as fluid as water . . .
juanrfa: Fuchi na terraza
Denis Collette...!!!: Peinture en cours...!!!
jt893x: Carolina Wren (thrythorus ludovicianus)
dragonflydreams88: spotted towhee (Pipilo maculatus) . . .
dragonflydreams88: Cooper's hawk (Accipiter cooperii) . . .
Iquemon: Morning fog in winter
jt893x: Yellow-rumped Warbler
**Aina** mostly off: A LEAF ON A GREEN BENCH
GillK2012: Moonlight dancers
dragonflydreams88: belted kingfisher (Megaceryle alcyon) . . .
borealnz: trapped...
**Aina** mostly off: AUTUMN GOLD
Marji Beach: Ross and Lazy
dog ma: Demsey