foonson1: 日本橋
foonson1: Back-to-back moments
foonson1: One more step if you dare
foonson1: Waiting
foonson1: 琉璃街敏記
foonson1: 鴨寮街光仔記收檔
foonson1: AIV09529
foonson1: Waiting
foonson1: 大埔望馬鞍山
foonson1: AIV09606
foonson1: 女大了,老婆後生了
foonson1: Brighton
foonson1: Bold Tendencies
foonson1: 20240119
foonson1: Acropolis
foonson1: Trinity Laban
foonson1: Stonehenge
foonson1: 20231128-sunrise
foonson1: 20231125-Sunrise
foonson1: 20231111-sunset
foonson1: 20231022-Sunset
foonson1: Cody Dock
foonson1: IMG_2046
foonson1: Time to smoke
foonson1: There are those who go up and there are those who wait