dcharles25: IMG_3775
jlisi24: IMG_1541
jpwoolcott77: not a painting lol
itunvkdf37: IMG_2777
itunvkdf37: IMG_2768
itunvkdf37: IMG_2772
plindholm22: IMG_0909
apedulla24: super guy
ipatel24: The Roundup Box
cschaffner25: Hanging out with Johnny Pants
oflynn24: Bikerack
cchun23: Symmetry BB
nicklas.nuez: great hall hallway
cdebiase25: rule of thirds photo
cchun23: Thirds
dsegoviano23: IMG_3145
lhayes25: Rule of Thirds
aoden24: ThirdComposition
sygjaibc21: Rule of Thirds
jlyle24: 2d22
jlyle24: 2d24
mquintana23: Robson in the Afternoon
bbruno22: IMG_6545
ipatel24: Weather
oflynn24: IMG_1947 (1)
jackson 32: Screen Shot 2021-08-17 at 8.24.24 PM