wwalker25: Week 12 123
nicklas.nuez: before.color.replacement
crichards25: All Good man
mmohammed23: Creative Challenge
jude411: light
bblanchard25: 114489
itunvkdf37: IMG_2709
Gsmith241: A8CF17D5-F9D9-4A35-93A2-8897CDFA2BDC
apedulla24: super guy
jcoury25: 511930C6-DA4F-4E24-949D-38F86563291E_1_105_c
jmccarthy24: sprinkle
ipatel24: The Roundup Box
cschaffner25: Hanging out with Johnny Pants
lhayes25: Local Adjustment
apedulla24: symetry/center focused
plindholm22: Symmetry
ipatel24: Symmetry photo
aoden24: CamelbackSunset
wwalker25: Light and Shadows
jpwoolcott77: Pool Splash
hbrislin25: IMG_1541
jcoury25: IMG-2097
lhayes25: Weather
ptanner25: IMG_2393