Foto-Runner: DSC_5621
Mat Travers: Garage grand slam
Jonnie Lynn Lace: Chiesa della Menta
stefaan.decuypere: Abandoned Power Plant _007
Berny S2: Castillo del Principe
Foto-Runner: DSC_5355 Notre Dame On Fire
Rolf Boot: IMG_0360_1_2_3_4_5_Optimizer
Foto-Runner: DSC_3917-HDR
Jonnie Lynn Lace: Boarding School of Death
RA Photography / Deadworld: {explore} The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn
Berny S2: Zeche RB
Rxl4 nd: Ateliers de Constructions Electriques de Charleroi.
Foto-Runner: DSC_4200-HDR
Living Machines: Meant to stay De la suie dans les idées
Mat Travers: Ecole des mines
rantropolis: Abandoned Hyperbaric Chamber in an abandoned hospital
rantropolis: an abandoned Jewish Center with a beautiful stained glass dome
rantropolis: Beds in nursing building (Explored)
rantropolis: an abandoned plant in Austria of a former screw factory
rantropolis: Sunrise at an abandoned art deco power station in Hungary
stefaan.decuypere: Abandoned power plant _006 Carceri d'invenzione