digital defect: Afternoon Shadows on Concrete Wall.
Traveller_40: Dried red orange rose
GrzegorzSprync: Enjoying proper sourdough bread with seeds in Belfast - Northern Ireland. January 2025
norasphotos4u: Paper Abstract
Osruha: Reflejo (Explore, January 25th, 2025)
Werner Ustorf: Books, screens, and privacy
~LiliAnn~: Still life and a cat
_gp_: Bottles
_gp_: Teaspoon and cake fork - HMM
Snorkle-suz: Glass and light *
trevorhendriks: Solar flare!
giancarlo_darrigo: The key ( explored )
schubertj73: so wie ein Gesicht - Industrie Produkt Makro Kunst Fotografie
coloursofjazz: A room with a view
emrold: (de)saturated - 009x
coloursofjazz: Fun in the snow (Explore 11.01.2025)
Andrew Eadie: le mer
Andrew Eadie: stacked
emrold: When the light is right, coffee break edition glass baubles x
Helmut Hess: old spoons...
Traveller_40: The most photographed staircase in Munich soft Highkey
Traveller_40: The most photographed staircase in Munich low key
daveknight1946: Tunnel Vision. Frozen bubble
luislabeaga: Bodegón clásico con caquis y rama de eucaliptus
ertolima: Pocket Watch
Ullysses: Old salmon pens in Beaver Harbour, New Brunswick