Christoph Fischer: Tips for Using Spotlight to Create Powerful Images!
grumpybaldprof: Long view, sun, shadow, light, autumn: View from Darroch Learg Hotel, Ballater, Scotland
-Weissglut-: Autumn Path
gmorriswk: Scaleber Force
Gary Grossman: Leaving The Flock
Jochen Maes: G296.5+10.0
robertevans17: Winters Morning
micke.vmix: Standing out
Lua - - -: Infinity also lies in the detail we dare not observe..
Edd Allen: Inheritance
Anna Kwa: A Thousand Gates
Alain-46: Élanion blanc - Elanus caeruleus - Black-winged kite - Gleitaar - Elanio común - Nibbio bianco
Alain-46: Élanion blanc - Elanus caeruleus - Black-winged kite - Gleitaar - Elanio común - Nibbio bianco
[ ͆ ◎] Bernard LIÉGEOIS: Elanus caeruleus | Elanion blanc | Black-shouldered Kite | Elanio Común | Gleitaar
Svitlana Tkach: Black-winged kite (Elanus caeruleus)
Alain-46: Élanion blanc - Elanus caeruleus - Black-winged kite - Gleitaar - Elanio común - Nibbio bianco
isvibilsky: Where Time Seems to Slow
vseerzae43: It was a full moon night
.K i L T Я o.: Wind rolls by, low light
柄松稔 minoru karamatsu: Gradation of architecture
l4ts: Curbar Edge
Nucleix: Il y a quelqu'un ?? Is there anyone ??
JEO126: American black duck hen