chimay2971: Dormont Potomac Avenue looking northwest from Glenmore Avenue circa 1940
chimay2971: Pittsburgh West Liberty Avenue trolley ramp with inbound 39 Brookline streetcar circa 1965
chimay2971: Pittsburgh South Hills Junction Administration building and Mount Washington Transit Tunnel South Portal circa 1905 - 1909
chimay2971: Pittsburgh South Hills Junction Administration Building as seen from above Mount Washington Transit Tunnel portal Sep 1906
chimay2971: Pittsburgh South Hills Junction Administration Building postcard image circa 1906
chimay2971: 2943 Belrose Avenue Second Floor Hallway and stairs
chimay2971: 2943 Belrose Avenue Second Floor stairs
chimay2971: 2943 Belrose Avenue Second Floor stairs looking at front door
chimay2971: 2943 Belrose Avenue house southwest side
chimay2971: 2943 Belrose Avenue front porch
chimay2971: 2943 Belrose Avenue First Floor Living Room looking at front door and second floor stairs
chimay2971: Pittsburgh Brookline Brookline Blvd. at Stebbins Avenue looking northwest Jan 17 1933
chimay2971: Mount Lebanon Washington Road looking south between Academy Avenue and Cedar Blvd. circa 1935
chimay2971: Mount Lebanon original St. Bernard Church 311 Washington Road early 1920s
chimay2971: Pittsburgh Banksville Banksville Road looking southeast up Potomac Avenue towards Domont August 10 1938
chimay2971: Dormont West Liberty Avenue looking southwest from Pioneer Avenue intersection circa 1920
chimay2971: Pittsburgh Brookline Fitch Way looking northwest towards Pioneer Avenue Pinebrook Apartments under construction Sep 14 1951
chimay2971: Pittsburgh Brookline Fitch Way looking southeast from Pioneer Avenue Pinebrook Apartments under construction Sep 14 1951
chimay2971: Pittsburgh Brookline new home at 2519 Pioneer Avenue between Bellaire Avenue and Fitch Way Sep 14 1951
chimay2971: Pittsburgh Brookline looking north on Pioneer Avenue at Brookline Blvd. intersection Sep 14 1951
chimay2971: Pittsburgh Brookline Pioneer Avenue at Winterhill Street looking south towards Fitch Way and Brookline Blvd. Sep 14 1951
chimay2971: Pittsburgh Brookline Brookline Blvd. looking northwest from 820 Brookline Blvd. Jun 23 1936
chimay2971: Pittsburgh Brookline Brookline Blvd. looking southeast from 820 Brookline Blvd. Jun 23 1936
chimay2971: Pittsburgh Brookline Brookline Blvd. looking southeast from Stebbins Avenue Jun 23 1936
chimay2971: Pittsburgh Brookline Brookline Blvd. looking northwest from Stebbins Avenue Jun 23 1936
chimay2971: Pittsburgh Brookline St. Mark's Evangelical Lutheran Church property including the parsonage home at 933 Brookline Boulevard shown here in 1960
chimay2971: Pittsburgh Brookline A view of businesses along the 1000-block of Brookline Boulevard looking southeast from the Glenarm Avenue intersection on May 25, 1965
chimay2971: Pittsburgh Brookline A Gerlach and Kasak aerial photo showing Brookline Boulevard at Castlegate Avenue, and tree-lined Berkshire Avenue in 1947
chimay2971: Pittsburgh Banksville Intersection of Banksville Avenue - Carnahan Avenue or Road - South Street or Wenzell Avenue circa 1909
chimay2971: Pittsburgh Beechview Broadway Avenue in Beechview approaching the Hampshire Avenue intersection and Beechview Avenue circa 1909