Slow Turning: Winter Clothes
PatriciaNicoloso: Pica-pau-de-cabeça-amarela/Blond-crested Woodpecker
Flight Map: Yellow-billed Spoonbill
Flight Map: Pied Butcherbird
Flight Map: DSCN9165-1
Flight Map: DSCN9174-1
Flight Map: DSCN9191-1
Flight Map: DSCN9212-1
Flight Map: DSCN9219-1
Flight Map: DSCN9225-1
Flight Map: DSCN9231-1
Flight Map: DSCN9239-1
Flight Map: DSCN9267-1
Flight Map: New Holland Honeyeater
Flight Map: European Goldfinch
Flight Map: Common Greenfinch
Flight Map: New Holland Honeyeater
nature_photonutt (Sue): Young Bear along shore of Mississagi River (Large)
nature_photonutt (Sue): Rough Legged In Flight
nature_photonutt (Sue): Bear on Shoreline
nature_photonutt (Sue): Crossing the Road
nature_photonutt (Sue): Canal along the Boom Camp Road
nature_photonutt (Sue): Looking Back on the Canal
nature_photonutt (Sue): The Deer Trail
nature_photonutt (Sue): Wasp Nest Abandoned
nature_photonutt (Sue): Challenging Roads
nature_photonutt (Sue): Snow Blowing the Driveway 1
nature_photonutt (Sue): Snow Blowing the Driveway 2