Hugo Huang 冰: Lighthouse1
maestro_mocs: +H.T.N.G.
Lord-Oblivion: STRIDENT
Space Glove: Scarab Champion
Exetrius: [Rockwail] Sculptor
Space Glove: Antique Athlete
LegoWyrm: Lucy x David
LegoWyrm: Akiba Maid Wars
dee.3x3: Blue Rev
Sunrise_Moc_Creator: Blood Moon Aatrox, The world ender
Panuvara: Moratarium
-Owls-: Orbital Prototype ZWEI
Panuvara: Hall of the Mountain King
maddison2d: Hero Factory Pumpkin
1saac W.: Volkswagen T1 Kastenwagen
djokson: Wheezing Shambler
Cube Brick: Indiana Jones and the Well of Souls
adde51: Enchanted forest
Cagerrin: 'Virago'-class TsoGGY KN-15 ekranocruiser
Cagerrin: Сахалін-Псков СаП-40 / Sakhalin-Pskov SaP-40 'Feeder'
th_squirrel: Clone Wars Volume Two
Shaun Sheepa: Samurai
djokson: Pill
Space Glove: Assyrian Wall-Crusher
Cordax: Ekimu the Mask Maker
_Axelford_: Skull Scorpio
ETNURB: Skull Basher
_Monopoly_: Skull Warrior