fallisdace: N 4th Street, Tombstone AZ
fallisdace: Bald Eagle at Carburn Park
fallisdace: Downy Close-up, Seba Beach Jan 2024
fallisdace: Redpoll eating seeds
fallisdace: Redpoll at Seba Beach
fallisdace: Waxwings in yard
fallisdace: Pine Siskins at feeder
fallisdace: Skaters on Lake Wabamun
fallisdace: Lake Wabamun with no snow
fallisdace: Lake Wabamun Snowless Ice
fallisdace: Mallard
fallisdace: Northern Rough-winged Swallow
fallisdace: Trumpeter Swan Flyover
fallisdace: Wigeons on the reservoir
fallisdace: Tree Swallow on wire
fallisdace: Yellow-headed Blackbird in a tree
fallisdace: Savannah Sparrow singing by a marsh
fallisdace: Red-winged Blackbird at Suburban marsh
fallisdace: House Wren at Fish Creek PP
fallisdace: Yellow Warbler at Fish Creek Boat Launch
fallisdace: Lincoln's Sparrow right after it rained
fallisdace: Willow Flycatcher
fallisdace: Dreamy Duskywing
fallisdace: Warbling vireo doing a lot of warbling
fallisdace: Ruby-crowned Kinglet at Forget-me-not Pond
fallisdace: Cedar Waxwing at Forget-me-not Pond
fallisdace: Swainson's Thrush deep in the woods
fallisdace: Wilson's Warbler
fallisdace: Mule Deer in Little Elbow
fallisdace: Gossiping Ground Squirrels