Lum's Portfolio of Stuff.: Kerbrat GmbH Model Y1977 9x19mm Sub Machine Gun
Robbe37: X81 prototype rocket rifle
Lum's Portfolio of Stuff.: KeisatsuCorp Type CRSG16 Kanadzuchi Tactical Rotary Magzine Shotgun 12 Gauge
Lum's Portfolio of Stuff.: Suhl StahlKraftwerk VEB M1200 Riot Suppression Shotgun 12 Gauge
Robbe37: Zaibatsu Corp Yōkai SMG
Lum's Portfolio of Stuff.: Lum's Custom Works CZ75 Pre B Irene V. Custom Combat 9x19mm
Lum's Portfolio of Stuff.: Lum's Custom Works M6900 Presidio .357 Magnum Combat Magnum Revolver
Robbe37: Deimos GL
Lum's Portfolio of Stuff.: Lum's Custom Works M9600 Lampasas .357 Magnum Defensive Magnum Revolver
Robbe37: Steyr-Mannlicher MP49
Archkyrie - Coffee: IWA - Springalt
Lum's Portfolio of Stuff.: Leingarten Armaments Industrial Network GmbH SP9 9x19mm Smart Pistol
KyleLayton: FTI Model 2024000XXX "Swiftblade"
BlackRedguard: Ansaldo m/28
Robbe37: Apex GmbH Jagdpistole 74 sd
Lum's Portfolio of Stuff.: .357 Magnum Desert Eagle Custom
Robbe37: Hutchinson UCC
Lum's Portfolio of Stuff.: KeisatsuCorp Type 406 Ōdzutsu RGL 40mm Revolver Grenade Launcher
Robbe37: Apex GmbH Briareus
Lum's Portfolio of Stuff.: Lum's Custom Works M16KSD Hyper Kommando
BlackRedguard: Lithgow R52 General Issue Rifle
Lum's Portfolio of Stuff.: all my pistols currently
Lum's Portfolio of Stuff.: Model 19 Daisuke Custom
Lum's Portfolio of Stuff.: 2006M Combat Custom .357 Magnum