Jakub Drobny: „No Gods, Only Monsters”
malt.j: Altberg Castle
the_ Inventor: The carnival is in town
Youenn.H: Amon Hen
Carter Witz: Into the Ruins
Carter Witz: Flooded City
JakobKaiserMOCs: Gothic: Nocturnal - Moonshade Cathedral
TomStuds: Dragon Knights
Bryckland: The Last Watch
KitKat1414: “… And We Meet Back, Under the Bridge, Afterwards”
Barthezz Brick: Assassin's Creed: Venice 1486 - Interlude (main)
LeshyBricks: Lego Assassin's Creed 2 MOC | "Florence"
n.o.l.d.o.r: Lego MOC - The fortress wall
n.o.l.d.o.r: Lego MOC - The fortress wall
Bryckland: The Bakers Guild
jnj_bricks: Knife Juggler
jnj_bricks: The Green Dragon Inn
jnj_bricks: Honey Crest Village
CheeseyStudios: The Island Castle
~Koschei~: The Battle of Vinland, 1003
Faëbricks: Duel d'honneur
Edge of Bricks: Fright Knight's Witch's Tower MOC by Edge of Bricks
Jako of Nerogue: Leave-taking
Jako of Nerogue: Dovern Castle
adde51: Falcon chapel
Brickscaalibur: La Tour Sombre (1/2)
~Koschei~: The Ruined Aqueduct
herrkraemert: Chapter IV - The Sanctuary
herrkraemert: Chapter III - Return to Port Mithra
herrkraemert: Chapter II - The Towers of Norstrangh