2000052: scanning research
2000052: colour darkroom prints
2000052: screenprint experimentation
2000052: colour darkroom exposure
2000052: density step wedges
2000052: liquid light experimentation
2000052: darkroom typography experimentation
2000052: screenprint experimentation
2000052: researching medium format
2000052: liquid light experimentation
2000052: binding practice
2000052: darkroom experimentation
2000052: bookbinding research
2000052: lightroom digital editing
2000052: lightroom layout changes
2000052: type on print experiments
2000052: 20210506_165315
2000052: 20210506_164942
2000052: medium format experiment
2000052: Learning how to make paper
2000052: 20210416_130025
2000052: 20210415_132419
2000052: drying paper
2000052: liquid light on handmade paper in the light
2000052: liquid light on handmade paper 24hrs later
2000052: paper making station
2000052: learning how to make paper 2
2000052: Learning How To Screenprint
2000052: walker evans research