Dawn L Aquarius: Not sure this colour combo works but what the hell I like it.
Dawn L Aquarius: This skirt is now officially my absolute favourite
Dawn L Aquarius: Different skirt with added bag
Dawn L Aquarius: A quick change after work
Dawn L Aquarius: Back to functional working from home attire today
Dawn L Aquarius: Sitting pretty? Or just sitting?
Dawn L Aquarius: Home working mode again
Dawn L Aquarius: Ok an up close one. Unlike the other photos I’ve kept my regular glasses on and I think they look ok.
Dawn L Aquarius: Work outfit (at home unfortunately) but still nice to do
Dawn L Aquarius: Dressing opportunity this morning!
Dawn L Aquarius: A pretty basic look but it's me and I'm happy with it
Dawn L Aquarius: 2F89A953-A544-4954-8A75-43804FA5D7C8
Dawn L Aquarius: D1481831-FB48-4951-A652-41DA0C489C6E_1_201_a
Dawn L Aquarius: 9FAB9155-D5C4-49C5-99C0-66E95B936E3C_4_5005_c