Lu Schwartz: Polaroid Polatriplet
leonelefran: DSC00009
leonelefran: DSC09999
leonelefran: Ensaio externo 😍
roberson.gg_96: IMG_1388
roberson.gg_96: IMG_1403
Lu Schwartz: Stirring the pasta with the spoon.
Lu Schwartz: Green mushroom?
Lu Schwartz: Glass with water with green dye.
Lu Schwartz: Beautiful mixture of dyes.
roberson.gg_96: IMG_0921 (2)
roberson.gg_96: IMG_0979 (2)
roberson.gg_96: IMG_0902 (2)
fabiely_miranda: Photo_1617064732416
fabiely_miranda: Photo_1617064733869
fabiely_miranda: Photo_1617064729568
fabiely_miranda: 20210403052742_IMG_0930