Tom Ravenna Riddle: 04 Archaic Side Notch Points -- larger and smaller copy
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 06 adena - smaller
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 01 intro- H Warner Riddle and Gary Kapusta
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 10 bird points and others
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 09 hopewell
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 08 Adena and Ashtabula copy
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 07 adena - first copy
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 05 Archaic - bifrucate, broken, and very shapr points
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 03 - Paleo-Indian unfinished points and lance points
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 02 periods of settlement copy
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 013 pendulum swings above a measuring tape 1
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 012 Pendulum swings - filmed looking down at to tip of pendulum
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 011 Pendulum moves along measuring tape
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 010 Ken, Dick, Andy, and Tom below the Seth Thomas 18 on Feb 26 2024
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 009 If a white background was behind the clock it might look like this
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 008 First ticks, on Feb 26, 2024, of the Seth Thomas 18 with the original penduum attached
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 007 andy comes down with clock and pendulum in place
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 006 fitting the pedulum was chalenging because it is so long
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 005 pendulum attached to lifter to be set in place
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 004 Ken fastens a clamp in the middle of the pendulum that will be picked up by the loader to put the pendulum in place
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 003 it was a tight fit - Andy finally cut one of the rafters to fit in the clock
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 002 Andy tries to figure out a way to fit the clock 15 feet above the floor - keeping it perfectly level
Tom Ravenna Riddle: 001 Ken lifts the clock up to Andy -- the clock had to be high enough to attach the pendulum - a tough fit
Tom Ravenna Riddle: Riddle Block Burns - Dec 2, 1992 page 2 of 2.
Tom Ravenna Riddle: Riddle Block Burns - Dec 2, 1992 page 1 of 2
Tom Ravenna Riddle: R-C of August 1, 1999 - Ravenna Parading Through the years
Tom Ravenna Riddle: R-C July 28 1999 page c24
Tom Ravenna Riddle: R-C July 28 1999 page c22 and C23
Tom Ravenna Riddle: R-C July 28 1999 page c20 and C21
Tom Ravenna Riddle: R-C July 28 1999 page c18 and C19