*Mowser*: Welcome to the jungle
*Mowser*: Neon dream
*Mowser*: Feelin' just fine (Head full of shit)
*Mowser*: The summoning
*Mowser*: Forsaken
*Mowser*: Crazy Dragona
*Mowser*: Crazy Dragona
*Mowser*: Rain on tin
*Mowser*: Uptown, downtown...
*Mowser*: Neon rain
*Mowser*: Gameboy 2049
*Mowser*: You shall not pass!
*Mowser*: To feel the warm thrill of confusion, that space cadet glow...
*Mowser*: Sun rising
*Mowser*: Blood and sand
*Mowser*: Finding the crew or what's left of them...
*Mowser*: Ship's log stopped abruptly several weeks ago.
*Mowser*: Crew deck, no sign of the crew.
*Mowser*: It's so very lonely, you're 2, 000 light years from home...
*Mowser*: Beat surrender
*Mowser*: Night and fog at Plankbarrow Harbor
*Mowser*: Apostate
*Mowser*: Duskfall Court - The wandering alchemist
*Mowser*: Duskfall Court - The wandering alchemist
*Mowser*: Duskfall Court - The wandering alchemist
*Mowser*: Wide open space
*Mowser*: Drifting
*Mowser*: Head on
*Mowser*: Miscreants
*Mowser*: You can't leave. She won't let you.