steffos1986: Spring flower
steffos1986: spring flower art
Marut Rata: Starry day...try Van Gogh (dizzy) bokeh again 😜
wih00522: DSCF1108
Утакович: Шишки
Утакович: Вишнёвые цветочки
Bhood Pictures: Tessar Power
xatonc: Tessar Zebra 50mm f2.8 test
alexcheung79: TESSAR 50mm f2.8
Claudio Arriens: Orquidea (Orchidaceae)
Christine_S.: cherry blossoms
BeMo52: Queen of the Autumn
Christine_S.: winter cosmos
CVIja(x): A Branch'eh
CVIja(x): Yet Another Apple Bokeh
batmilen: Carl Zeiss Jena Pancolar 50mm F1.8 “Zebra”
charhedman: One of my favourite things
charhedman: Breezy
charhedman: Mellow Yellow
michel.maillier: Nivéole.
wizard_of_dof: _DSF3733"Pentacon 50mm f1.8"
michel.maillier: Jacinthe.
TheNakamo: Pentacon 50mm f1,8
wih00522: DSCF0826
michel.maillier: Anémone hépatique
Утакович: Дербенник иволистный
Fabio Cecchin: Night vision.