brasspoodle: The Trifid strides past the glowing pink Lagoon
brasspoodle: Bright core of IC4826
brasspoodle: Reprocessed False Comet (IC4826 and NGC 6231)
brasspoodle: Reprocessed False Comet (IC4826 and NGC 6231)
brasspoodle: The heart of IC4628 (The Prawn Nebula)
brasspoodle: IC4628
brasspoodle: NGC 6188 “The Fighting Dragons of Ara”
brasspoodle: Gabriella Mistral and Gem Cluster
brasspoodle: M16 (Eagle Nebula) starless
brasspoodle: M16 Eagle Nebula SHO with RGB stars
brasspoodle: IC 2944 starless
brasspoodle: IC 2944 SHO with a twist of orange
brasspoodle: IC 2944
brasspoodle: IC 2944 - The Running Chicken in LRGB
brasspoodle: NGC6357
brasspoodle: Rosette Nebula (NGC2244) in full narrowband
brasspoodle: Rosette Nebula NGC2244 HOO
brasspoodle: SL-17 The Howling Wolf
brasspoodle: M42 and M43 in LRGB
brasspoodle: M42 SHO
brasspoodle: M42 SHO
brasspoodle: Lonely Ewok and Slimer Nebula (NGC 6604 and SH2-54)
brasspoodle: Lonely Ewok and Slimer Nebula (NGC 6604 and SH2-54) in HOO with RGB stars
brasspoodle: The Dark Wolf SL 17
brasspoodle: The swirling core of the Lagoon
brasspoodle: 3 images of the Lagoon
brasspoodle: 3 images of the Lagoon
brasspoodle: 3 images of the Lagoon
brasspoodle: M8 the full SHO
brasspoodle: M8_HaRGB