c.p.5: Personalities
c.p.5: Shore Acres, OR
c.p.5: Mosier, Oregon
c.p.5: Sun-Dappled Oak
c.p.5: Above Triple Falls; Columbia River Gorge; Oregon
c.p.5: Wellspring
c.p.5: Fairy Falls; Columbia River Gorge; Oregon
c.p.5: Timberline Lodge; Oregon
c.p.5: Above Timberline Lodge
c.p.5: Timberline Weather Vane
c.p.5: Hut Above Timberline
c.p.5: Mt. Hood; Oregon
c.p.5: Above Timberline Lodge
c.p.5: Windows; Timberline Lodge
c.p.5: Four Chairs; Timberline Lodge
c.p.5: Leaves in Sunlight
c.p.5: Guardian of the Garden
c.p.5: At the Japanese Garden; Portland, Oregon
c.p.5: Stalwart Light
c.p.5: At the Japanese Garden; Portland, Oregon
c.p.5: Trillium Lake; Oregon
c.p.5: Trillium Lake; Oregon
c.p.5: Mt. Hood Atmospherics 1
c.p.5: Mt. Hood Atmospherics 2
c.p.5: Mt. Hood Atmospherics 3
c.p.5: Mt. Hood Atmospherics 4
c.p.5: Stars
c.p.5: View from the PC Trail; Richard L. Kohnstamm Wilderness; Oregon
c.p.5: Mt. Hood; Pacific Crest Trail
c.p.5: Mt. Hood, in the Richard L. Kohnstamm Wildnerness; PC Trail