Beebs651: Public Service Co of Oklahoma
Berny S2: Happy Holidays
atlantaevergreen97: Homer City power plant.
Berny S2: Hidden Gold
Berny S2: Hidden Gold
kas14slider: Come on in
durand clark: Miami Fort Generating Station on the Ohio River
jgurbisz: Don't Cell Yourself Short
kas14slider: Moon outpost 1
kas14slider: Neither are pleasant
kas14slider: Beheading imminent
MEC400: Kennebec Central #9, Sheepscot Yard, Maine
Sean M Richardson: Government State Hospital
jgurbisz: Missed the Last Train Home
rantropolis: an abandoned medical bunker in Hungary
kas14slider: Mine river
kas14slider: Gatekeeper
kas14slider: Layers
jgurbisz: Immobile Home
rantropolis: Self Portrait in an abandoned control room