Eltel60+: Not Mush room chaps Terry F
Eltel60+: Lunchtime Terry F
Eltel60+: A journey through time Terry F
Eltel60+: Wk 24 Heron Terry F
Eltel60+: Wk 23 Leaving home Terry F
Eltel60+: Wk 22 Ignition Terry F
Eltel60+: Wk 21 Growing up Terry F
Eltel60+: Wk 20 Juvenile Blackbird Terry F
Eltel60+: Wk 19 Feeding time Terry F
Eltel60+: Wk 17 Reminiscing Terry F
Eltel60+: Wk 16 The family soon arriving Terry F
Eltel60+: Wk 15 The path wends it's way ever on Terry F
Eltel60+: WK 14 Still happy to work Terry F
Eltel60+: WK 13 Smash and grab raid Terry F
Eltel60+: WK 12 It's Spring shoots time Terry F
Eltel60+: WK 11 Preparing the new home Terry F
Eltel60+: Wk 10 Nut Hatch checking out Terry F
Eltel60+: Wk 09 Waning Snow Moon Terry F
Eltel60+: Wk08 Forget Spring here comes Summer Terry F
Eltel60+: WK 07 Hurray Spring is coming Terry F
Eltel60+: WK 06 A Winter Perch Terry F
Eltel60+: Wk 05 After the rain Terry F
Eltel60+: Jelly Ear
Eltel60+: Week 03 Takeaway open at last! Terry Fletcher
Eltel60+: Takeaway open at last!
Eltel60+: I hate winter