DOGOD Brick Design: nEO_IMG_DOGOD_Jewelry box_01
SergioBatista: Mercury Retrograde 51
woomy world: Boreal Vixen
Tigmon74: Happiness Can Be Found...
Cody Avery Builds: Kane-Ra, the Corrupted Bull
JK Brickworks: Tambour Box
Martin Ot: Sauron in Gorgoroth πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯
Swan Dutchman: The Jewelled Egg Collection
vincentkiew: Chong Hwa Independent High School.(Final Ver.)
Henjin_Quilones: Getting ready for the masterpiece
El Barto!: Olympus!
Legobird3: Hot Dog spaceship
Capt. Dad: LEGO Neo-Blacktron Impeder
SephiMoCff7: Jurassic Thanksgiving 2
thegbrix: Alfa Romeo Carabo
Stilly Bricks: Elvendale 2 Panoramic
seb71.: Trident
Mitsuru Nikaido: LEGO_DECA-DENCE_15
Mitsuru Nikaido: LEGO Mecha Roly-poly_03
Syntheticmason 1: lego set 60117, anyone else think this lil van looks like transformers Skid or is it just me
jarekwally: Be careful, don’t listen loud music. Never know what is behind you
LuisPG2015: Camden Town Houses, London
Faber Mandragore: Joe's scrapyard