bbelanger24: File_003 (5)
bbelanger24: File_006 (4)
adestefano24: Light Spiral 2
JosephChapman23: Week 9 1-2-3
cespinoza22: week 9
zloiselle23: Color Change
bzimmerman23: Goodbye sky
sthomason22: File_009-2
adestefano24: Week 8 - 1,2,3 Rule
lroland24: Color Splash
rislas24: IMG_1826
erivera24: IMG_0404
adestefano24: Eiffel Tower
ikeith22: door
cthorpe23: Black and White Flower
ckrieg23: Centered compostition
mwittenberg24: 1-2-3 week 5
ikeith22: humboldt
AlexColumbus: 1-2-3 rule
bwang21: IMG_3328
ilevytieger24: 1-2-3 Rule
croe22: 123 rule.
rhughes23: Fill the Frame
rcarvajal23: Fill the Frame
ggonda23: IMG_0067