teampoland: polish young designers
teampoland: ZebrzydowiceTrainStation
teampoland: linda in arrows
teampoland: last supper 2
teampoland: last supper
teampoland: Bozena and Pavel 'the woodcutter'
teampoland: Max wearing mirrored glasses
teampoland: young polish designers 2
teampoland: warsaw old town
teampoland: warsaw building graphic render
teampoland: throne for the wind_Max
teampoland: warsaw gallery
teampoland: polish young designers
teampoland: lunch with 'Putin' translating
teampoland: shop praha
teampoland: stripe bench
teampoland: tabu to trup teraz
teampoland: my awesome desk
teampoland: our friends
teampoland: ZebrzydowiceTrainStation
teampoland: lunch warsaw
teampoland: majik carpet
teampoland: Kwiaty
teampoland: Luca in Throne For the Wind
teampoland: Luca with Franz
teampoland: linda in arrows
teampoland: dolls
teampoland: creepy red riding hood
teampoland: design presentations
teampoland: abraham