KEVD1976: Stonechat (Female)
Ella Sosnowski: Sunny Day...
KEVD1976: Spotted Flycatcher
KEVD1976: Bearded Reedling (Male)
John At Cy: The End of Autumn_6946a
John At Cy: Moroccan Dance_1430a
John At Cy: Geronisos Rock_5379-7-8ab
John At Cy: A Monk's Blessing_2353abc
KEVD1976: Wigeon (Male)
koen_jacobs: winter sun
Jarek S. "Jerry": European bee-eater
KernowBeach: South gap 15mm f5.0 25s 3
alfp_photo: sunset
digital defect: Ribbon. MacroMondays.
Brando Magnani: Locomotive | Liconasco | December 2020
Julian Munilla Rio: Anochecer en Montesclaros Agosto2016 125
Julian Munilla Rio: Faro de Burela amaneciendo IMG_2221
roga56: Con le ciaspole all'Alpe Corte
roga56: Con le ciaspole all'Alpe Corte
javi duro photography: Buitre - Vulture I
javi duro photography: Barca - Boat
javi duro photography: niebla - mist
javi duro photography: Jóvenes corzas - Young roe deer