mercedes Joly: Love is part of us, the true nature of two beings who love each other ♥
mercedes Joly: only good music at the peak club
mercedes Joly: 16 Janvier 2022 mariage sl Gislaine & Stephane ♥
mercedes Joly: With coconut delights From the taste of your skin A chill in the heart Love me harder
mercedes Joly: The verb to love is conjugated in all tenses But it is much more beautiful in the present tense…
mercedes Joly: wonderful day this sunday with you my darling ♥
mercedes Joly: TU COMPTES POUR MOI...
mercedes Joly: Comme prise dans un piège, je te suis Éprise de ta personne, je ne m'enfui Tu sais me parler, avec délicatesse Toi mon guide, plein de sagesse
mercedes Joly: I turn red, as soon as my desire for you comes to me Not to mention everything that goes through me It starts again, as soon as you are near me...
mercedes Joly: And then one day she too approached him, to tell him things she had never told anyone before! ♥️
mercedes Joly: Nostalgia is our warm feeling of longing for someone, a place, a feeling, a dream.
mercedes Joly: True love is shown through actions rather than words. A person who truly loves you gives you their time, attention, and care. They communicate frequently, support you, and are willing to make sacrifices for your happiness. They are patient, kind, and prot
mercedes Joly: moi et toi love kedane ♥
mercedes Joly: kiss kiss me amor ♥♥
mercedes Joly: never without you my dear ♥
mercedes Joly: always hug ♥
mercedes Joly: mercedes !
mercedes Joly: “Don't think that chocolate is a substitute for love... Love is a substitute for chocolate.”
mercedes Joly: “There is nothing more precious in this world than the feeling of existing for someone.”
mercedes Joly: Mercedes Joly Maé
mercedes Joly: When I close my eyes I hear this music that you sing in my ear in a whisper ;)
mercedes Joly: Mercedes Joly Maé
mercedes Joly: Mercedes Joly Maé !
mercedes Joly: Chaque « je t’aime » que tu murmures est une étoile qui brille dans le ciel de notre romance, illuminant même les nuits les plus sombres.
mercedes Joly: Chaque moment sans toi est une pause dans le rythme de mon cœur, une éternité jusqu’à ce que je te retrouve.
mercedes Joly: Our love is a secret garden, where each kiss is a flower that blossoms our romance.
mercedes Joly: It's better to be natural than to want to be perfect!
mercedes Joly: Wanting to please other people is creating a prison to deprive yourself of a happy life!
mercedes Joly: you & me under this moonlight tonight ♥