Rejean Lemay Photography: Coyote Pup - 850_0201-1 copy
Terathopius: 70.272 Square Spot (Paradarisa consonaria), Wyre Forest, Worcestershire
Redtail10025: Red-tailed Hawk in sunlight 067A6448
BP Chua: Great Egret
koen_jacobs: Parade!
andreas_fery: Alpenstrandläufer und Bekassine
robertofurlan: DSC_8566 atterraggio di fenicottero rosa tdn , phoenicopterus roseus Marano Lagunare ottobre 22
robertofurlan: DSC_8596 avocetta nel riflesso di fenicottero tdn Marano Lagunare ottobre
andreas_fery: Heron in the fog
nicoboschi: NIZ_3260
koen_jacobs: Parade!
Martin Bärtges: Autumn on the wall
robertofurlan: DSC_8289 capriolo primo piano tdn capreolus c. Valcavanata Grado
Martin Bärtges: Watching you
120672: RSA_9913
Martin Bärtges: Mushrooms in the forest
BP Chua: Stork-billed Kingfisher
koen_jacobs: Parade!
Paul McGoveran: Belted Kingfisher(F) 8767
Martin Bärtges: A bunch of little autumn blossoms
BP Chua: Greater Racket-tailed Drongo
Martin Bärtges: Raindrops on the green
Martin Bärtges: Little mushrooms in the forest
Paul McGoveran: Lesser Yellowlegs 4321
Martin Bärtges: The single one
gianni_62: Falco peregrinus - Falco Pellegrino - Peregrine Falcon
koen_jacobs: Parade!
antonio palmeras palmeras: Carbonero garrapinos (Periparus ater)
Paul McGoveran: Common Goldeneye(s) 2455