houzhuowu222: 敦煌榆林窟《文殊普賢變》
houzhuowu222: 敦煌榆林窟《文殊普賢變》
Gandalf's Gallery: Vincent van Gogh - The Plain of Auvers [1890]
petrus.agricola: Brueghel & Rubens - The five senses: The taste [1618]
Phineas Redux: 'Battery Park, Manhattan, New York', c. 1983, by Ray Evans.
Phineas Redux: 'House with Walking Man', by Anna Maria de Koker.
Phineas Redux: 'Luncheon of the Boating Party', 1881, by Auguste Renoir.
Phineas Redux: House-Martins, by Agnes Miller Parker.
Phineas Redux: Yosemite Valley, by Frederick F. Schafer.
Phineas Redux: 'Hilly Landscape with Man with Raised Hand', etching by Johannes Brosterhuysen.
Phineas Redux: Second Villa Wagner, Vienna, 1912, by Otto Wagner.
Phineas Redux: Segovia, Spain, 1886, by Axel Herman Haig.
Phineas Redux: 'Reverie', 1915, by Rae Sloan Bredin.
Phineas Redux: Meeting at Mission Santa Barbara, watercolour by Edward Borein.
Phineas Redux: 'The Square Landscape', etching by Esaias van de Velde.
Phineas Redux: 'Book of Conquests', 1978. Jim Fitzpatrick.
Phineas Redux: 'Moonlight at Florence', Robert W. Little, R.W.S.
Phineas Redux: 'Sheep on the Dunes', Anton Mauve.
Phineas Redux: 'Sunshine and Wind', Charles Sims.
hmadzo: US Steel Design
ihsun lee: Haut de stele bouddhique
ihsun lee: Fine Chinese Modern Paintings
ihsun lee: 滿江春水
ihsun lee: 梅花小鳥
Monceau: Two panels of woodblock prints by Kasamatsu Shiro
ihsun lee: Lavandières près du pont de Valéry, Yonne
ihsun lee: image
Art Therapy by Julianna: Camille Bombois «La Chaumière, Normandie»
rofurkim: Matisse_Odalisque