Christoph Fischer: Into the Storm
luigi.alesi: Autumn dream on the Sibillini mountains
degan64: Vestrahorn Panorama - Explored
giannipiras555: Autumn Colors of Larch Trees (On Explore)
Graziano A: Night in Piazza Maggiore, Bologna - Italy
Blende11#: Autumn in the forest
Ira Mv: Fall colors
Ira Mv: Rawson Lake
·dron·: tranquility
dale 1: Red squirrel
Hans Kruse Photography: Lonely house in Tuscany 'The Old Man' To The Underworld 'The Roman Bridge'
Martin Bärtges: The single one
Martin Bärtges: Sunshine after the rain
hapulcu: Distant Paine
enricofossati: Autumn Herald
Maxime Serres: Quand les planètes (bleues) s'alignent
Daniele Porro: Di specchiata meraviglia - The mirror of wonders
TierraCosmos: Mirror, Mirror on the Lake
IVa e vieni 1: Lastricato
Paul O'B: Panorama
PatNik01: Trio
PatNik01: Héron cendré-Ardea cinerea
PatNik01: Bouquetin des Alpes-Capra ibex
PatNik01: Anémone pulsatille-Pulsatilla rubra