Jeff Dyck: Great Grey - Going Up!
Fabien Serres: Evanescence
Nathan J Hammonds: Bearded tit (reeding)
Carlos Cifuentes: GARRAPINOS
Carlos Cifuentes: ÁGUILA REAL
Carlos Patrício: CORUJA-DAS-NEVES | SNOWY OWL (Bubo scandiacus)
monte stinnett: The thief
Andy Davis Photography: Panic in the flock (abstract)
corsinjeanlouis: DSC_0825
monte stinnett: Tiercel whooshing over the Pacific ocean.
Maëlle Hello: Chevêche d'Athéna - Athene noctua
Matti Saranpää: Sleepy little one
lolo_31: Échasse blanche ( Himantopus himantopus )-39
Nigey2: Feeding Time
monte stinnett: Peregrine falcons
monte stinnett: Playtime
arnicadesembets: et la femelle .....sur l'épine du Christ !
arnicadesembets: et bien sûr, la tête rousse qui niche à 20 m
monte stinnett: Takes a lot of birds to feed a family
Carlos Cifuentes: TÓRTOLA EUROPEA
Andy Davis Photography: In the hay loft
JORGE AMAYA BUSTAMANTE - JAKKEMATE: Pico Mediano (Leiopicus medius)
Carlos Patrício: BUFO-REAL | EAGLE OWL (Bubo bubo)
Carlos Patrício: BUFO-REAL | EAGLE OWL (Bubo bubo)