Wieslaw Byra: Pelican
ROL/Photos: droits de Chasse
phbyo: skimming the pond
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Cormoran à aigrettes - Double-crested cormorant
JEO126: Red-breasted merganser
magiblue: Western Cattle Egret
Jean Paul LAHACHE: Portrait de Cerfs
Jean-Pierre LONG: La cavalière - The horsewoman
sileneandrade10: Água Mineral - Lagoa da Anta
MissTessmacher: Tricolored Heron
Ted Smith 574: Coryโ€™s and Great Shearwaters side by side ๐Ÿ˜Š
jan-loup: Harle huppé (complètement dans l'ombre à 9000 iso) / Mergus serrator / Red-breasted Merganser
jan-loup: Grande aigrette
jan-loup: Echasse
herbet.jacques: grande Aigrette .
Traveller_40: Sunset Zingst
Norbert Lefevre: Grand Cormoran " immature " ( Phalacrocorax carbo - Great Cormorant )
Bruno Morcel: Rougegorge familier Erithacus rubecula - European Robin
damnedimlost: There's A Full Moon Rising
Christoph Fischer: The Telephoto: The Ideal Lens for Landscape Photography!
HZWGHZCZYNJQY77TJ5M3SKH6UC: one glorious morning
Alain-46: Pouillot véloce - Phylloscopus collybita - Common Chiffchaff - Zilpzalp - Mosquitero común - Luì piccolo
Bruno Morcel: Chardonneret élégant Carduelis carduelis - European Goldfinch
Simon Stobart: Griffon Vulture
alainclement: Roe Deers in the blizzard - Chevreuils dans le blizzard ( Explored )
Bruno Morcel: Tarier pâtre Saxicola rubicola - European Stonechat