18percentgrey: Woods
18percentgrey: I think someone forgot something...
18percentgrey: Cadbury's stand
18percentgrey: Janet's Foss
18percentgrey: White Heart
18percentgrey: Chrysler
18percentgrey: Chrysler
18percentgrey: Lotus
18percentgrey: Morris Minor 1000
18percentgrey: Single Leaf
18percentgrey: Tree Bark
18percentgrey: Tree Trunk in Sunlight
18percentgrey: Tree Graffiti
18percentgrey: Me in shadow taking a picture of me in shadow
18percentgrey: Leaf in Sunlight
18percentgrey: The Wood
18percentgrey: Doug on Jake's Rake
18percentgrey: Snowboarding
18percentgrey: Snowboarding
18percentgrey: Snowboarding
18percentgrey: Snowboarding
18percentgrey: Snowboarding
18percentgrey: Snowboarding
18percentgrey: Snowboarding
18percentgrey: My desk at work v4.1
18percentgrey: I wonder what's over here?
18percentgrey: My desk at work v4
18percentgrey: Matt & Rob
18percentgrey: Contemplating the days (painful) activities