Andrzej Kocot: Power of Light
Jerome Colombo Photography: 202106 _DSC3840.jpg
Thelma Gátuzzô: Keep distance!!!
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Flehmen Response
visol: Orleans (Centre Val de Loire)
Alan M :-): Azure Kingfisher
Alan M :-): Forest Kingfisher
echumachenco: The Berchtesgaden Alps seen from Salzburger Hochthron
SnapsByTodd62: Marble Canyon
SnapsByTodd62: Old Post Office Rooftop
echumachenco: On the way up Untersberg
Gaetan Bois: France - Estaing
Sultan Sultani: Male Spotted Towhee
echumachenco: Winter evening with fog on the Rossfeld
beeton_bear: Wattled_Jacana(Juv)_WEB2_F4A8313
Charlaine Jean: Chouette Lapone - Great gray owl
SnapsByTodd62: Wrigley Reflections
Emanuel Papamanolis: Binalong Bay district - Tasmania
Gaetan Bois: France - Lalbenque - La Caselle de Nouel
Thomas Retterath: "Taaaaaxiiii"
Alan M :-): Sea surging over Huge Boulders
visol: Niesen 2362m, Llac de Thun (Interlaken)
visol: Chambord (Centre Val de Loire)
patrick_bigelow - Zoom-In: Gold Dust Day Gecko
echumachenco: Ahornkaser and Hoher Göll (2522 m)
echumachenco: Watzmann (2713 m) and Hochkalter (2607 m)
SnapsByTodd62: Above Sintra