D6541: 37116 Guildford 19-11-85 135
D6541: 33037 Stratford 25-11-85 135
D6541: 31227 Stratford 25-11-85 135
D6541: 31191 Stratford 25-11-85 135
D6541: 69006 6E86 Whittlesea 21-1-25 a 2
D6541: 66313 4L05 Whittlesea 21-1-25 b
D6541: Signs of change
D6541: Clear ahead and clear behind
D6541: 66301 4E21 Whittlesea 21-1-25
D6541: 66144 4L38 Whittlesea 21-1-25
D6541: 73105 Basingstoke 27-11-85 136
D6541: 25325-33012 Abernant 30-11-85 136
D6541: 73002 Woking Hurdles 3-12-85 137
D6541: 33031 Eastleigh 9-12-85 137
D6541: 33108 Eastleigh 9-12-85 137
D6541: 33054 Eastleigh Depot 9-12-85 137
D6541: 50012 Old Basing 26-1-86 140
D6541: 33019 Old Basing 26-1-86 140
D6541: Sunset over Eyebrook 11-1-25
D6541: 1014 West St Leonards 28-1-86 140
D6541: 1005 West St Leonards 28-1-86 140
D6541: D2310 Tolworth 13-2-86 141
D6541: 73119 Woking 24-2-86 141
D6541: 73133 Stoats Nest Jct 24-2-86 141
D6541: 50023 Farnborough 6-2-86 141
D6541: 50044 Walton On Thames 9-2-86 141
D6541: 33021 Surbiton 9-2-86 141
D6541: 73103 Esher 20-2-86 141
D6541: 50023 Esher 20-2-86 141
D6541: 73125 Farnborough 6-2-86 141