ewan.ellman: c boltonii
ewan.ellman: Boyeria irene
ewan.ellman: Sympetrum fonscolombii
ewan.ellman: Orthetrum cancellatum
ewan.ellman: Crocothemis erythraea
ewan.ellman: Aeshna affinis
ewan.ellman: Aeshna isoceles mating
ewan.ellman: Thrithemis annulata
ewan.ellman: Orthetrum cancellatum
ewan.ellman: aeshna cyanea
ewan.ellman: Coccinellidae septempunctata
ewan.ellman: Erinaceus europaeus
ewan.ellman: Boyeria irene emerging
ewan.ellman: Boyeria irene (male)
ewan.ellman: Sympetrum fonscolombii
ewan.ellman: Onychogomphus uncatus (female)
ewan.ellman: The mandibula (exuviae) of the cordulegaster boltonii
ewan.ellman: IMG_20200819_134629
ewan.ellman: 2: The landing of a sympetrum fonscolombii (female)
ewan.ellman: Close up eyes of a common dartes (sympetrum striolatum)
ewan.ellman: The landing of a sympetrum fonscolombii (female)
ewan.ellman: IMG-20201004-WA0061
ewan.ellman: Sympetrum fonscolombii male
ewan.ellman: IMG_20200821_094451
ewan.ellman: Orthetrum cancellatum female
ewan.ellman: Sympetrum fonscolombii
ewan.ellman: IMG_20200927_125238
ewan.ellman: Sympetrum fonscolombii
ewan.ellman: Sympetrum fonscolombii
ewan.ellman: IMG-20201004-WA0050