-LittleJohn: SJ Prize: Fantasy Heights
StudentScissors: Lego Transformers Ironhide
loafbuilds: Artilletaur
zane_houston: Dr. Robotnik's Eggscruciator
jayfa_mocs: Draconis Amanita
pyrefyre: ST-24 Fused Plasma Accelerator - Detail
pyrefyre: ST-24 Fused Plasma Accelerator
Mike s118: Sightrack [Transformer gal 3]
LEGO DOU Moko: LEGO Dino Megazord 大獣神
CeciΙie: Greninja Pokeball
FOXduFutur: Second dive
zane_houston: Mewtwo
woomy world: Hydralligator
R. Stuijvenberg: Mr.Handy, Sentry bot and sole survivor
Devid VII: Mtron and his Doggytron
legoshipmaster: Into the Vault, Vol. 2- Creepy Crawlies
Edge of Bricks: my collection of machines from Horizon Zero Dawn
dicken_liu: Alarm Clock03
Rogue Bantha: Stinger Mantis
roΙΙi: 101 Bricks: Lady Lollypop
a.j.knobbe: arrow cylinder
BenSpector42: The Wurst
Roses Must Build: Watcher Knight
_TLG_: Corvette C3 - instructions 01
jklu17legodude: Weeping Wyvern
StudentScissors: Lego G1 Soundwave
Grantmasters: Street Fighter
vir-a-cocha: Bodyguard
IBrickedItUp: Mid-Century Refrigerator