t h o m a s h e k: Sigma Dp2 Merrill
Sr.Parrish: Phalacrocorax carbo with breeding plumage
rrysiekk: RYCH0034
rrysiekk: IMGP1002
rrysiekk: 1-IMGP8300
rrysiekk: RYCH7509
rrysiekk: RYCH7508
starc283: 248A8422 red shouldered hawk
Andi Fritzsch: abends am Teich/ in the evening at the pond
Earl Reinink: Northern Flicker
JuanPirulo: Bayona
Joan Rigo Arnavat: Phoenicurus ochruros
Geoff_Holland: Hawfinch
Geoff_Holland: Waxwing 4
Geoff_Holland: Waxwing 3
Geoff_Holland: Waxwing
Geoff_Holland: Bearded Tit
Geoff_Holland: Wheatear
kboul: Curves
Brian Rafferty: Claws at the ready.
WalrusTexas: Flying Start
WalrusTexas: Taken by the Wind
WalrusTexas: Nostalgia
WalrusTexas: Concerto for Tree and Clouds
WalrusTexas: Entropy
Sr.Parrish: Pito real
Sr.Parrish: Pico picapinos
Sr.Parrish: Female of house sparrow (passer domésticus)
Sr.Parrish: Verderón común